Tag Archives: Kroetsch

Sideshow Tour Diary #5 | Literary Press Group’s 40th Anniversary Party / Real Vancouver Writers’ Series

There’s not really any way to describe my pleasure of reading alongside Jane Munro (2015 Griffin winner!), Leah Horlick (curator of Reverb, and new Women’s Centre staff at SFU), and Lana Pesch (author of Moving Parts, in town from Toronto) and to be hosted by the hilarious duo of Sean Cranbury and Dina del Bucchia. […]

Sideshow Tour Diary #4 | Vancouver Launch Party: Little Sister’s and the Sea

This was the second of my ‘hometown’ launches, and I was fortunate enough to have Ali Blythe join me again to launch Twoism, and 2015 Dayne Ogilve-prize winner Alex Leslie read as well. We jammed the maximum amount of bodies possible into the reading corner of the store; we had young folks sitting on the […]

Sideshow Tour Diary #2 | Edmonton Launch: Hearts May Be Fist-Sized Muscles, But Tear Glands Are Almond-Shaped Alchemists

Emotions! They happen, among other places, in poetry. Or, they are witnessed there, caused there, repressed there, and so on. Sometimes after doing a highly personal reading, audience members will kindly ask or exclaim about the challenges of sharing such texts with seeming strangers. I’m never quite sure what to say, though I do sometimes […]