The Same Woman explores women’s relationships and how they’re affected by our culture, for better or worse. Ruby returns to the scene of a recent heartbreak, only to find the woman her lover left her for around every corner. A predictable soap opera of gleeful rumours and turf wars ensues and a woman Ruby has never even spoken to comes to symbolize everything bad that’s ever happened. But as Ruby gets deeper into battle, she’s faced with the unbearable revelation that she and this woman might be more alike than she first thought.
Thea Lim grew up in Singapore and now lives in Toronto. Her work has been published in The Utne Reader, Shameless Magazine, and the anthology Between Myself and Them: Stories of Disability and Difference (Second Story Press).
“Thea Lim understands the cultural nuances of our time better than any emerging writer in English. To read Thea Lim is to read the very heart of humanity—and meet the cosmopolitan future head on.” — George Elliott Clarke