Category Archives: News
“Tear is a bold, unflinching bildungsroman that moves, chimera-like, between the real and the imagined; among the confusions and traumas of youth; from the humane to the monstrous. And therein author Erica McKeen accomplishes the truly remarkable. While walking in the steps of such gothic icons as Mary Shelley and Shirley Jackson, McKeen manages to forge […]
We want your short literary takes on contemporary music. We’re particularly interested in Canadian music and/or uniquely Canadian perspectives on music.
Recently, the Invisible promo team decided to include packs of 1980s playing cards along with preordered copies of Andrew Forbes’s new book, The Only Way Is the Steady Way: Essays on Baseball, Ichiro, and How We Watch the Game. This was intended to be a promotional item to incentive purchases. What we failed to consider […]
It’s back: the excellent time of year when we pay women more! To celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re doubling the royalties we pay our female authors on sales of their books through our website during the whole month of March.