kevin mcpherson eckhoff
kevin mcpherson eckhoff is a writer, teacher, actor, daddoo, and hubbub. His most recent book, their biography, was described in The Globe & Mail as “wide-ranging” and “incredibly playful”. His work has won the Robin Blaser Award and the Comedy Bloodsport Trophy. Check out his mad keyboarding skills: ASnvoquwhvaefnoguq0924jnvs0e9r-03nw3oaSFGW#$_T(@aej/fsfm!! Jake Kennedy is his best friend and you should really read one of his poems, really. By day, kevin pretends to teach composition and creative writing at Okanagan College, where he also pretends to manage Kalamalka Press; by night, he lives on unceded Splats’in Territory with his gal, two boys, three dogs, a rat, and a hedgehog.