5 Things We’re Up To Besides Handing Out Discounts

  1. Revitalizing our website, and we want you to celebrate with us: the promo code revisible15 gets you 15% off your purchase plus free shipping till the end of September.
  2. Taking the idea of stocking up on notebooks a step further with Peg and Awl’s gorgeous bookbinding kits. And for the little ones in your life, there’s this option.
  3. Wishing we lived in Montreal so we could go to even half of these Writers Read events.
  4. Hopping really, really late onto the podcast wagon with Longform; the Cheryl Strayed interview is awesome, but pretty much any episode is a win.
  5. And last but not least, sending two fall books off to press (this is where that promo code comes in!): Teri Vlassopoulos’s Escape Plans is an unblinking look at the ties that bind us together and the things that pull us apart in the wake of family disaster, and Sideshow Concessions by Lucas Crawford is the unofficial story of someone who is both a bearded lady and the fattest man in the world.

You can get awesome lists like this delivered to your inbox by signing up for our mailing list. Yeah! All new subscribers get a 10% discount code, too.

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