Shortlist Day Is Bittersweet


Alright, having made a quick trip out to the car to cry and eat a bag of cheeseburgers (#justkidding #notreallykidding), it’s now time to compose ourselves and pass on well-earned congratulations to our friends and peers who now find themselves Giller finalists!
What a tremendous list. We remain hugely proud of our friend, Elisabeth de Mariaffi, for having run with the other longlisted authors, and are pleased to have been able to keep company with a group of publishers we truly admire.

It can’t be emphasized enough how delighted we are to have had the opportunity to share HOW TO GET ALONG WITH WOMEN with a keen and curious audience these past three weeks. There are additional copies of the book making their way to stores as we speak, and an unlimited supply for those of you interested in reading digital formats. If your interest was piqued when the Giller longlist was announced, you’re sure to have a chance to get a copy, take it home, and dig in in the coming weeks.

In the mean time, because we still believe we’ve something to celebrate, and want to show how much we appreciate the support our readers and fans have shown Elisabeth and HOW TO GET ALONG WITH WOMEN, we’ve decided to continue to offer free versions of 3 of our favourite stories from the collection.
Read them, share them, see what merited our dark horse title’s inclusion on one of the year’s most prestigious literary lists.


Here again is the LINK to a ZIP archive containing both EPUB and MOBI editions. And here are a pair of direct links to EPUB and MOBI editions for smartphone users.

We hope this nomination is the first of many to come for Elisabeth, of whom we expect even more great things in future.

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