Invisible Publishing’s youth writing program, WRITE NOW!, is back!
Just like last year, Invisible Publishing is backing a community project to connect young writers with professional authors, musicians, screenwriters. We’re supporting our pals, co-coordinators and founders, Jaime Forsythe and Tiina Johns. In turn, Invisible Publishing is being supported by the 4Cs Foundation and the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia.
Do you know someone might be interested in this project (as a youth participant, an adult volunteer, or whose firm might want to sponsor an activity or event)?
The deal is this:
We pair up youth ages 13-18, who’ve got a sense that they want to be writers (whatever that means), to work with a group of adult authors on a weekly basis during the summer months. They do workshops, they collaborate, they learn new skills and get confident.
Invisible helps manage the program, helps participants learn some of the rudiments of publishing by working with them to build a trade book out of their work at the end of the summer.
The program has an official start date of 2 July.
For more information, email writenowhalifax (at)